I take a lot of photographs of all sorts of things, including my makes, my students’ makes, crafty moments and details from everyday life, especially floral portraits, light and shadow, glorious colours and found patterns. To see more of my own and my students’ work, please visit my Pinterest page.
Some gentle hand stitching. Multiple patches overlapping stitched with running stitch and a sort of stab stitch to secure all the edges. Very mindful and creative, taking the stitches for wanders across the patches. #handstitched #handstitching #patches #patchwork #layers #visiblemending #embellishingjeans #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage #therapeutic …
I am delighted to be included in this new book about BBC television graphics. I have a piece about my work on `Lives and Loves of a She Devil`, designing the books that Patricia Hodge`s character, Mary Fisher, wrote. There`s also a piece about the creation of the titles for `Underbelly`. If you have heard my `Working for Auntie` talk you will know about what goes into the creation of these tiny pieces of television output. This book expands on many familiar sequences explaining the processes and background to their production. #bbc #bbcgraphicdesign #graphics #graphicdesigner #anotherlife #hotoffthepress #newbook #fascinating #worthalook #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
What better way to start the week than some slow hand stitching whilst catching up with `Great Pottery Throwdown`. I`m working on a pair of jeans for a very special chap, adding layers of patches with running stitch and stab stitched edges inspired by Japanese Boro. Thoroughly enjoyable! #lovestitch #boroinspired #patching #patchwork #handstitched #myhappyplace #mondaymorning #cottonperle #patchworkofinstagram #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
Here`s a selection of my most recent hexagon flowers. They are the perfect introduction to template patchwork and if you fancy learning this mindful handstitched technique you can join me @rhsbridgewater on Saturday 22nd March. For details go to the RHS Bridgewater website or find the link on mine, Christine Green Crafts. This is my first visit to these beautiful gardens and I am so looking forward to it. #hexagons #hexis #patchwork #templatepatchwork #rhsbridgewater #workshop #learnsomethingnew #joinme #mindful #therapeutic #creative #handstitching #handmade #loveteaching #craftworkshop #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
Quiet morning folding and labelling some of my cat tea towels, bags and prints ready to send north to the very lovely @platformgalleryclitheroe, well worth a visit if you`re in the area. If you would like to see more of my merchandise drop@in to my blind shop via my website, just put in Christine Green crafts. #packing #merchandise #myverysmallbusiness #papercutdesign #typography #handfinishing #cat #catsofinstagram #thecatsatonthemat #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
I had a busy, fun day with the ladies of the Dorking Creative Textiles Group. We looked at examples of Boro, took inspiration and had a creative day improvising designs and hand stitching a diverse array of panels. #inspiredbyboro #handstitched #improvised #creative #patchwork #workshop #whatfun #iloveteaching #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
Had a lovely time at @witneyu3a yesterday, talking all things paper cutting and then demonstrating my particular technique and using my camera for a long time so that everyone could see what I was doing. And thankfully it all worked beautifully! If you`d like me to come and talk to your group do drop me a line. #witneyu3a #witney #talk #demonstration #papercut #techworked #messageme #Igivetalks #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
What a fine way to start the day! The arrival of a much anticipated parcel from the very lovely @roderick752 , Roderick Kiracofe. A stunning patchwork panel, it`s not quilted or backed. It’s a gorgeous piece of stitchery and I am thrilled to be the recipient of it. Huge thank you!!! #patchwork #stars #patchworkstars #special #parcel #lovethis #honoured #thankyou #roderickkiracofe #tobecontinued #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage #delighted #cantstopsmiling …
Monday morning and I am scrap booking my Christmas cards, something I have been doing for years. My two favourites this year are a beautiful lino cut from @daniellelouisehanson and a couple of charming penguins made from foot prints. #annualevent #christmascards #scrapbooking #nostalgia #memories #album #mondaymorning #handmadewithlove #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
Just relaxing with my ongoing ever growing hexagon quilt. Hit Tesco and M and S last night at 9pm which turned out to be an excellent idea with customers outnumbered by staff restocking the shelves. #handstitched #handmade #handstitchedpatchwork #patchwork #wip #happyplace #relaxing #therapeutic #hexagon #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
Just a bit of highly visible mending, hexagon style. One of my favourite dresses, a rare full price purchase from @toast mysteriously developed a couple of holes, not rips but proper holes! Once I had stopped cussing I got my needle and thread and fabrics out and started stitching. #visiblemending #hexagons #hexis #handstitched #mendit #christinegreencrafts #patchwork #craftingatthecottage …
This is our advent calendar this year. Made by my daughter @jessiebgreen. She trawled through our extensive archive and assembled some our favourite photos and hid them behind hand drawn doors. Such a lovely surprise. Hand made gifts really are the best! #adventcalendar #handmade #handdrawn #archive #archivephoto #christmascrafts #lovethis #jbgreen #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
These peg dolls have been coming out every Christmas for over fifty years! Mum made them for me and my sister and for one of my birthdays she organised a crafting moment when me and my friends all made a fairy. #homemade #handmadewithlove #fairy #pegdollsofinstagram #pegdolls #santa #onthechristmastree #christmasdecor #mummade #nostalgia #everyyear #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
I have been busy dismantling some extraordinarily beautiful silk ties to create two cushions and a small galaxy of stars. The ties had belonged to a much missed dad and grandfather and his daughter wanted something special made from them in his memory. The cushions are for herself and her sister and the stars for the grand children It’s always an honour to be entrusted with such treasured items and a nervous moment when I present the finished items, however my client was delighted!! #commission #commissionswelcome #memoriesforlife #ties #patchwork #memorypatchwork #silkties #repurposed #repurposedtextiles #lovestitching #inmemory #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
I had a fabulous day teaching @ardingtoncrafts today. Lots of festive paper cuts and delicious lunch served up in paper bags decorated by @simonsonsino with his beautiful calligraphy. Great fun! #papercutting #loveteaching #handcrafted #handmadewithlove #festive #christmascards #ardingtonschoolofcrafts #calligraphy #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage #craftworkshop …
It`s star season! I have at least another 5 to make. And did you know if you can stitch a star you can stitch tumbling blocks with the exact same templates? The cushion needed some gentle repair work which I have done and it`s now ready to be wrapped for Christmas. The first star is made from ties someone gave me and the second from Liberty tana lawn, one of which is from the 70`s #stars #patchwork #templates #handstitched #handmade #tumblingblocks #madewithlove #mindfulstitching #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
More seasonal paper cuts. This time from yesterday`s course @westhopecollege. Lots of fun had by all and a very happy tutor – me!!! If you have a group of friends who would like to have a go at this creative, low cost craft dm me. #papercut #handmade #festivecrafts #westhopecollege #learnsomethingeveryday #iteachthis #whatfun #getcreative #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
The first festive papercuts of the season, and some sewing themed ones, created yesterday with the lovely ladies of North Leigh WI. I`m running this course again this Saturday @westhopecollege and a half day version on 21st November. Check their websites for further details. Great fun and rather calming! #papercutting #handmadeisbetter #learnsomethingneweveryday #getcreative #fun #joinme #seasonalcreativity #christmas #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
Flying visit to the lovely @platformgalleryclitheroe to drop off some bags and prints. Delighted to see a couple of my cat prints in the shop. #wellworthavisit #clitheroe #platformgallery #gicleeprint #gosee #catsofinstagram #papercutdesign #handcrafted #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
I had a marvellous creative fun day yesterday teaching @kawandi. I love the variety of outcomes; the choices of colours and fabrics and size of patches means each panel is unique. Great fun! #kawandi #learnsomethingneweveryday #handstitched #mindful #creative #patchwork #patching #colourful #loveteaching #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …
Fancy learning a new patchwork technique? I am this Sunday 27th October teaching kawandi. The pictures show some of the lovely work from students @oxford_summer_school this summer. Great fun and just a little bit addictive, entirely handstitched! If you fancy joining me contact the Maker Space #craftcourses #sewingworkshop #themakerspace #joinme #greatfun #handstitched #learnsomethingnew #loveteaching #funday #kawandi #christinegreencrafts #craftingatthecottage …